Aug 15, 2024

Staff Spotlight: Dr. Genevieve Sansone

Genevieve Sansone is a Research Associate at the Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Children. She describes her role and ongoing work at the Fraser Mustard Institute for Human Development Policy Bench below.

Q: Tell us a little about yourself and your role at the Centre.

I completed a PhD in Psychology and have a background in tobacco control policy evaluation research, which sparked my interest in understanding and improving health behaviours and outcomes. In 2020, I joined the Policy Bench team – an initiative of the Fraser Mustard Institute for Human Development at the University of Toronto, which operates within the Faculty of Social Work and Department of Pediatrics. The Policy Bench brings experts from the University of Toronto and The Hospital for Sick Children to synthesize, create, and share knowledge aimed at helping decision makers, practitioners, and stakeholders make evidence-based policy decisions relevant to child health, development, and well-being.

As a Research Associate for the Policy Bench, my role primarily involves research synthesis, project management, and overseeing the production of policy briefs, literature reviews, and other tools to support optimal human development and health equity across the life course.

In 2023, the Policy Bench became a unit within the Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Children, formalizing a strong partnership between the two organizations. This transition has allowed me to continue my work with the Policy Bench while benefitting from the resources and infrastructure of the Centre.

Q: How do you see your role evolving in the future?

This is an exciting time to be involved with the growth of the Centre! The Policy Bench is fortunate to have the Centre Co-Directors, Dr. Eyal Cohen and Dr. Astrid Guttmann, as well as Dr. Catherine Birken, the Edwin S.H. Leong Chair in Child Health Intervention, on our Advisory Committee. We have collaborated successfully on several projects, including grant applications, symposium panels, and reports on various topics. For instance, Dr. Birken co-authored the Policy Bench report titled “Effects of School Closures During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Achievement Gaps and Learning Inequalities,” published in 2021. More recently, we worked with Dr. Birken and Dr. Mark Stabile, a member of the Scientific Leadership Council Advisory, on a policy report about enhancing the health and well-being of children and youth through health care system transformation. This report was submitted to an expert committee of the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. I’m looking forward to continuing and expanding these collaborations and shared learning between the Policy Bench and the Centre, as both groups contribute to a wealth of interdisciplinary knowledge and resources to advance child health equity.

Q: What are the main projects or tasks you are currently working on?

My most recent project for the Policy Bench was a policy brief titled “Supports and Systems to Respond to Complex Needs Among Children and Youth in Ontario. This policy brief addresses growing concerns from our partners in child welfare, health, and education about the inadequacy of supports for children with multiple or co-occurring diagnoses or behavioural problems that span various service sectors. It highlights the need for more integrated system responses. The brief reviews existing literature to better understand the barriers and challenges these children and their families face and explores how systems can better support them to improve health, social, developmental, and other outcomes. The published brief can be found on the Policy Bench website, and we are also working on adapting the brief into an academic paper to reach a wider audience.

Another project I’m currently supporting is a policy brief on the issue of corporal punishment of children in Canada. This policy brief will provide a summary of the evidence on harms of corporal punishment and the effects of its prohibition, with the goal of informing policy discussions at the national level.

Q: What future initiative(s) are you most excited about at the Centre?

I’m looking forward to a busy fall at the Centre, with new projects, events, and collaborations in works. I’m especially excited about the virtual symposium the Policy Bench is hosting on October 18th , with support from the Centre. This event will bring together a panel of experts from various sectors and organizations in Ontario to discuss different models and approaches for supporting children and youth with complex needs. We hope the symposium will foster improved communication and integration between sectors to develop effective solutions. Registration details will be available soon on the Policy Bench website.